Who we are
Siyabonga Multi-Purpose & Tele-Centre (SMPT) which simply means “We are Greateful” Is a Non-Government Organisation which was founded in October 1997 by Mrs Patricia Makoro. The organisation was formed after a long and intensive research on Orange-Farm. The Purpose of this research was an appropriate intervention to socio-economic problems such as woman and child abuse, HIV and AIDS, abuse of alcohol and substances, lack of skills, high level of illiteracy, unemployment, teenage pregnancy and crime.
Siyabonga Multi-Purpose & Telecentre was then an informal group of Orange Farm woman who were concerned with the deteriorating conditions in the area. They had several meetings with dierent groups from the area to get a sense of their programmes to address these issues which led to the formation of Siyabonga. Siyabonga has over the years implemented income generating programmes that included just to name a few; candle making, juice making, brick & block making, sewing (dressmaking & designing), concrete production, baking & confectionery, catering and draping.
Throughout these years the community of Orange-Farm was very supportive to all our initiatives and activities. In 2002 the community requested the centre to initiate computer training for the youth of Orange-Farm as this was going to avoid the youth from travelling to town to seek for such trainings. Indeed this is how the Information & Technology began, which led to the advancement status the project is experiencing.
Siyabonga Multi-Purpose & Telecentre has enterd into partnership with the Department of Social Development towards providing the youth out-of-school & out-of-employment with Skills Training Development and Income Genarating Programme. We will realise our vision by forming partnerships with other resorceful government departments and educational organisations to benet of our communities. We will access our communities to information that will assist them to take charge of their development.